Problematic Bitcoin Sites

           Bitcoin Sites                               Problems  Encountered

1  http://kryptomachine/?i=11241 ---i have reached the min bitcoin cashout , i had filled up necessary requirements like downloading a game but it did not pay

2.https://www,instant-btc-eu/ref/         site infected with virus 

3.      site infected with virus 

4.   site infected with virus 

5.       site infected with virus 

6.                   site at last surf not paying, not loading , many transfers

7. http://dogemoon.ccc/?boss=6032                  site suddenly stopped no good

8.        i had been a member for so long a time, had cashout before with no problem then they suspend my account last year for fraudalent clicking which had not been explained how . Now this year using another email , i was able to login but again for the second time last Sept10/18 i had reached again the cashout of about 0.10 btc but it says again that my account was suspended . Triedr reaReplying from my email , it as not send to their email which means that the site is not for real

9. A mining site that paused because of low earnings, high cost of electricity

SHA 256 0.05 /June 30/ 17 = $60.001769010.0017686833
ETHASh 0.02 MHS June 30/ $4.400.010528630.010528630

10. A mining site that had paused , change from GHS 4  to GHS 5 will probably start new earnings for other altcoins ;  Sept. 24, 2018 earnings seen with majority of altcoins , list transferred to page earnings

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